What you will learn?
Already writing and publishing but not sure if you're on the right track? Are you interested in how to become an author or how to articulate and express emotions and attitudes linguistically? It seems to you that you do not perceive reality as an everyday, common occurrence, but as a special story that only you can understand?Want to write a novel or start a column!?
Then you have already immersed a part of your spiritual being in the thinking ocean, in New Age Creative Writing.
The goal of the New Age Creative Writing workshop is to familiarize participants with theoretical models and their practical applications in writing for various contemporary media novels, drama, film scripts, copywriting, blogs, and writing for digital media.
Learn to read and analyze with different eyes, watch a film, and understand its hidden layers. Learn to write a novel, story, film script, monodrama...
Does every work that has the characteristics of inspiration, the choice of a literary theme, the formation of literary characters, their motivational systems, plot, story, dramatis locus (the place where the story unfolds), the unity of the action and its integrity, purpose, point, and place of resolution (unfolding) stories... and many others, belongs to the "creative" but is still not a work of art. We may not be able to make you an artist, but we can teach you the secrets of creating attractive literature.
At the end of the training, regular participants receive an official Molèn Academy certificate.
Note: Due to the quality of lectures and workshops, the number of places in the group is limited to 9 people.
Payment is possible in two installments, except in the case when the student registers before the very beginning of the workshop.
New date: Spring 2025.
Miomir Petrović, PhD, Dramaturge, Author, Professor of university