Economic empowerment of women is one of the most important ways to support starting a business and improving the position of women in society and that is why the Molèn Academy awards 3 scholarships to women each semester.
The goal of this movement is to empower and encourage women by offering knowledge that meets the needs of the modern market.

Conditions that a candidate must meet in order for her application to be valid:

  1. CV
  2. Cover letter
  3. A short video of at least 90 seconds in which you tell us about your vision and how one of our programs can help you with that

It is understood that the application documentation must be complete and the application procedure fully respected. All applications and necessary documentation, send us to with the note Molèn Women Scholarship.


Aleksandra Stojiljković
Aleksandra Stojiljković

Program Digital Marketing

It is an honor to be one of the scholars and to have the opportunity to listen to eminent and excellent experts in their fields. With the opportunity you showed me and by choosing me to be a scholarship holder and part of Molèn's story, you contributed to reminding this girl as much as she can, that there are no limits. By recognizing my passion and great desire, you gave me the wind behind me to progress and become a Team Leader in the company I currently work in, not long after listening to a few lectures. I try to inspire people by my example every day and start the same passion in them.

With my example, I want to encourage the next generation of girls and women to apply and take advantage of the great chance and quality that Molèn Academy has.

Anja Nikitović
Anja Nikitović

Program Digital Marketing

For me, Molèn meant not only a change in my career path but also a total personal turnaround. I met fantastic people, and now I can confidently call them my colleagues. Molèn is distinguished above all by great people, and lecturers, and that is one of the first reasons why I chose Molèn. Also, the support I received from the lecturers during and after completing the academy is indescribable and I am deeply grateful for that! I have always been attracted to the dynamics of work, so the logical sequence of circumstances was to get a job in a marketing agency. I have to admit that it took a few months of practice to get hired, but now I can proudly say that I work in one of the best agencies in our country.

Once again, I thank Molèn Academy for the providential experience and the opportunity!

Dragana Čelar
Dragana Čelar

Program Interior Design

The scholarship, I can freely say, was a wind at my back and completely changed my life.
The possibility of acquiring knowledge from the best attracted my attention. The friendly approach towards the students and the support throughout the program were also very important for a beginner. The lectures were very informative, but also extremely pleasant, as is the overall atmosphere at the Academy.
Two months after graduation, I started an internship in an architectural office, and now what once seemed like a dream is my everyday life. For someone who has been in the hospitality industry for ten years, this kind of career turnaround is a great success.

Thank you Molèn Academy for a wonderful experience.

Elena Blagojević
Elena Blagojević

Program Digital Marketing

I received the Molèn scholarship at a time when I was actively working on my skills. What sets Molèn apart is precisely that the lectures are live. Thanks to this, we had the opportunity to hear first-hand the experiences and advice of leading industry experts. The lecturers commented on new trends with us, answered our questions, and were a great support.
We started and ended each lecture with a smile, and we waited impatiently for the next meeting. I believe that it is precisely this energy that makes this academy the right place to acquire knowledge. Thanks to the Molèn Academy, I approach new tasks with much more confidence, and recently I have been doing this at my new workplace while doing what I have dreamed about for a long time.

Thanks to Molèn Academy for making me grow through a valuable experience and making my wishes come true.

Marija Stanojević
Marija Stanojević

Program Human Resources

At the time when I applied, I was not able to allocate money for this type of education and the scholarship was extremely important to me. Just because someone recognized my desire and motivation to learn, it meant even more to me that I received it.

I improved my knowledge and experience and it helped me a lot to achieve even better results in my new job. I found out how the parts of HR work that were foreign to me work, I learned to better approach certain activities and I also received an affirmation of my existing knowledge and experience. What is equally important is that the overall experience was extremely positive and I would recommend this type of additional training to all colleagues.

Milica Rističević
Milica Rističević

Program Marketing and Brand Management

The Molèn scholarship gave me a new perspective on my professional development and future direction. I would say that the Molèn Academy stands out for its very well-chosen lecturers, the topics covered, and the relaxed but extremely productive approach to the people who attend it.

She indirectly helped me complete my pharmacy studies, she gave me new motivation. Also, I plan to get more serious about social media and mental health promotion soon. It helped me a lot in my personal development, and I hope that it will soon be transferred to the professional level as well.

Vera Kljajić
Vera Kljajić

Program Digital Marketing

The Molèn scholarship was an excellent springboard for me because while attending the program, I also received a promotion at work, and the knowledge I acquired was of great importance to me.

What makes Molèn stand out from the others is the lecture concept, topics that are relevant at the moment (and we all know how quickly digital marketing changes), but also experienced lecturers who selflessly shared their knowledge and experiences.

I am currently working towards the goal of creating my brand in Canada, where I will soon be moving from Montenegro. I believe that the Molèn Academy experience will help me stand out, even in Canada.

Sara Milošević
Sara Milošević

Program Digital Marketing

For me, the Molèn scholarship meant a chance to try out the newest method of additional education I had seen up to that time. I loved the approach that Molèn has that I could see on their digital channels and I wanted to try 

I especially liked it because it is an incentive for women and their additional education. I haven't seen so much support from women to women in these areas and I was especially glad when I found out that the founder of Molèna is a woman.

The new education I received was inevitable, but besides that, I was able to see and listen to the creators of some of the campaigns that were known throughout the Balkans. It helped me better understand the goals of the same, as well as the process of how campaigns are designed, how data from the market is used, and how it ultimately translates into sales and measurement of results. It was especially important for me to hear that, because I, as a user at the end of the day - was a participant in all those campaigns!

Ivana Adžić
Ivana Adžić

Program Digital Marketing

The time I spent at Molen Academy helped me realize the importance of digital marketing, as well as dispel some fears and prejudices related to it. I apply the acquired knowledge every day in my work! In addition to knowledge, I also gained wonderful acquaintances that I still cherish. I will always be grateful to Molèn Academy for giving me a chance and I am proud to have been their student! :)