Molèn Academy provides education and professional development informed by rapidly evolving global market.

Editor in Chief at Buro Serbia
Editor in Chief at Buro Serbia

 " I wanted to upgrade my theoretical knowledge in practice. Here we have a chance to learn every step of how interior design is actually done."

Jelena Karakaš

Architect and founder of the Carmen fashion brand
Architect and founder of the Carmen fashion brand

„I enrolled in Molèn Academy with the intention of using theoretical knowledge related to branding and marketing in practice to develop my brand."

Jovana Prodanović

Social Media Specialist at Nordeus
Social Media Specialist at Nordeus

„When you're in digital, things are changing very quickly, and that's why you need to follow everything that is necessary to stay up to date with trends, in accordance with your profession."

Sara Milošević

CEO & Co-Founder agencije Layla Reiko
CEO & Co-Founder agencije Layla Reiko

"Na Akademiji sam naučila mnogo o digitalnom marketingu, što me je osnažilo i pomoglo da razvijem agenciju i zaposlim još ljudi."

Teodora Miljković
